COG - WordPress


WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) that can be used to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. The Cloud Ops Group WordPress application is built on the latest technology for providing the latest in speed, reliability, and security.


For bug reports, feature requests, or general questions, please contact us.


  1. Launch AMI from the Amazon Marketplace
  2. A random password will be generated and placed in /home/ec2-user/wp_pass.
  3. SSH into your instance as the ec2-user user and run "cat wp_pass".
  4. Open a Web browser and type the public DNS name provided by Amazon into the URL bar.
  5. Login to the admin section with the default user "admin" and the password you received above.
  6. Be sure to update the Site Title and URLs in the site settings.

Enable SSL/HTTP2

The easiest way to enable SSL/TLS is to attach you instance to an AWS Application Load Balancer with an Amazon Certificate Manager certificate attached to that.

You can also create your own certificate via the free Let's Encrypt project (See: Using LetsEncrypt for free certs)

Configure local Email sending

COG images come with SSMTP (a send-only sendmail emulator) installed.

To configure SSMTP to send via Gmail, you will have to edit its configuration file and enter your account settings:

#### /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf

## The user that gets all the mails (UID < 1000, usually the admin)

## The mail server (where the mail is sent to), both port 465 or 587 should be acceptable
## See also

## The address where the mail appears to come from for user authentication.

## The full hostname

## Use SSL/TLS before starting negotiation

## Username/Password

## Email 'From header's can override the default domain?